We're the registered charity dedicated to the protection and preservation of the records of milling history.

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Gems of the Archive: Of War and Waterwheels

You may be familiar with the artist Sir Alfred Munnings, known for his impressive oil paintings of everything equine: from elegant race horses, to majestic hunting steeds, to quaint pastoral scenes featuring portly ponies blending into an idyllic, English landscape.

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A Slice of Milling History

The Millers’ Mutual Collection is one of the most important additions to our archives in recent years. As a national...

Margery Kempe: Mystic and Medieval Miller

For International Women’s Day we have reproduced below one of the biographies of women millers from our online exhibition where...

Roll out the Barrel

Flour packaging has always been important for millers, and has changed greatly over time – had it not progressed alongside...

The Mill Architect

I first met architect John Reynolds when I was editing the Mills and Millers of Hampshire set of books for...

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