A-Z glossary

 #  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Quadrant Ring Gear
Part of a ring gear, See RING GEAR.

Vertical iron spindle carrying the STONE NUT to drive the RUNNER STONE from above, which is 4-sided or round with ribs cast on to act as damsel. (OVERDRIFT)

Quant Bearing
See Glutbox.

Quant Driven
See Overdrift.

Quarter (of Smock Mill)
One of the sides of a smock mill.

Quarter Bars
Diagonal timbers from the end of the CROSS TREE to support the POST of a POST MILL and taking the weight of the BUCK.

Quarter Dress
A common type of MILLSTONE DRESSING in which the FURROWS form a series of triangular patterns or HARPS around the grinding face. Each HARP has typically four straight FURROWS. The number of HARPS is variable, 8 to 10 being common. The longest FURROW is called the MASTER FURROW which normally lies tangentially to an imaginary circle at centre of the stone. There are commonly 3 shorter furrows lying parallel to the master furrow: the JOURNEYMAN, PRENTICE AND FLY FURROWS. See also STRAIGHT DRESSING, THREE QUARTER DRESSING, and TWO QUARTER DRESSING.

Quarter Loaf
Four pounds (the true quarter is 4lb 5.5ozs).

Quarter Posts
The cant posts of a smock mill. (Kent).

Quarter Spars
Quarter bars of a post mill. (Suffolk).

Quarter The Mill
See Quartering.

Quarter-Elliptic Spring
See Springs.

(1) The action of turning the mill broadside to the wind, in order to slow it down. (to quarter the mill). (2) see TRANSOM. (3) The framing of one side of a smock mill (Kent).

The HARPS on a dressed MILLSTONE.

A primitive hand mill for grinding corn. (1).BEEHIVE QUERN. Consisting of male and female coned stones the cones forming the grinding surfaces. The upper (female) stone incorporates a small hopper for the grain. (Early form of quern, name derives from its shape (2).ROTARY QUERN, A pair of small millstones turned by hand using a handle. Introduced c400 BC (3).SADDLE QUERN. Primitive hand quern employing reciprocating motion.

(1) Used as a pen, with TIVER as the "ink" to mark out the position of FURROWS. See FURROWING STRIPS. (2) Used as a sensitive finger at the end of a JACKSTAFF.

Quill Stick
See Jackstaff.

Stones or bricks forming the external angles of buildings, doorways windows etc.